This training course is split into three modules: Module I:
Pump Types, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (API 610). Module II:
Compressor Types, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (API 617, 618 & 619). Module III:
Turbine Types, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (API 611, 612 & 616).
Module I: Pump Types, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (API 610).
Classification, Types of Pumps and Compressors
➢ Pump Types, Positive Displacement and Dynamic.
➢ Operating characteristics.
➢ Centrifugal Pumps.
➢ Priming, Cavitation.
➢ Power requirements for pumping.
➢ Pump curves and Pump Selection.
✓ Head capacity curve (H-Q).
✓ Efficiency capacity curve.
➢ Specific Speeds.
➢ Operating point of centrifugal pump.
➢ Pumping system optimization.
Operation and Troubleshooting
➢ Startup, Priming, Shut down.
➢ Vibration level and their measurements.
➢ Bearing housing temperatures.
➢ Accessories (Shaft seal, Bearing).
➢ API 610.
Troubleshooting (Symptoms, Causes and Remedial Measures)
➢ The function of bearing in rotating machine.
➢ Shaft alignment.
➢ How to correct Misalignment.
➢ Soft foot definition.
➢ Effects of soft foot.
➢ Measuring soft foot.
➢ Correcting soft foot.
Preventive and Predictive Maintenance
➢ Maintenance by plan Vs. Maintenance by default.
➢ Equipment reliability and availability.
➢ Building and maintenance management plan.
➢ Energy saving opportunities for pumps.
Module II: Compressor Types, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (API 617, 618 & 619).
Compressors Working Principles, Types, Operational Aspects
➢ Classification, Types of compressors.
➢ Operational principles and constructional feathers.
➢ Compressor operation.
➢ Performance characteristics curve.
Compressors Operational Aspects, Selection and Specification Criteria
➢ Minimum and maximum flow constraints.
➢ Surge, significance and control.
➢ Compressor selection and specification criteria for drive rating selection.
➢ Performance testing.
➢ Standards and acceptance criteria for performance testing.
Operation, Troubleshooting and API Standards
➢ Startup, Priming, Shut down.
➢ Vibration level and their measurements.
➢ Bearing housing temperatures.
➢ Accessories (Shaft seal, Bearing).
➢ API 617 (Centrifugal Compressors).
➢ API 618 (Reciprocating Compressors).
➢ API 619 (Positive Displacement Compressors).
Troubleshooting (Symptoms, Causes and Remedial Measures)
➢ Surge and Stonewall on Compressors.
➢ Shaft alignment.
➢ How to correct Misalignment.
➢ Soft foot definition.
➢ Effects of soft foot.
➢ Measuring soft foot.
➢ Correcting soft foot.
Preventive and Predictive Maintenance
➢ Maintenance by plan Vs. Maintenance by default.
➢ Equipment reliability and availability.
➢ Building and maintenance management plan.
➢ Energy saving opportunities for Compressors.
Module III: Turbine Types, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (API 611, 612 & 616).
➢ Steam Thermodynamic features.
➢ Steam Properties and the Mollier Charts.
➢ Principle of Action.
➢ Types of Turbine.
➢ Impulse Turbines.
➢ Reaction Turbines.
➢ Configuration Variants, Application Ranges & Constraints.
➢ Steam and Gas Turbines Components.
➢ Rotor Components.
➢ Reaction and Impulse Blading.
➢ Stator Blading.
➢ Steam and Gas Turbine Bearings.
➢ Sealing Systems.
➢ Governors and Control System.
➢ Main Elements and Technical Characteristics of Steam and Gas Turbines Design.
➢ Selection and Sizing of Steam and Gas Turbines for Compressor Drives.
➢ Steam (Water) Rates.
➢ Condensing and Backpressure Turbines.
➢ Single and Multistage Types.
➢ Process Considerations.
➢ Operations of Steam Turbines
✓ Commissioning.
✓ Startup.
✓ Run-In and Shut-down.
✓ Surveillance and Health Monitoring.
✓ Performance Measurement.
✓ Monitoring and Tracking.
✓ API 611 & 612.
➢ Operations of Gas Turbines
✓ Commissioning.
✓ Startup.
✓ Run-In and Shut-down.
✓ Surveillance and Health Monitoring.
✓ Performance Measurement.
✓ Monitoring and Tracking.
✓ API 616.
DAY 15:
➢ Machine Overhaul Process.
➢ Machines Piping and Ground Regulations.
➢ Alignment of Thermal Machines.
➢ Balancing of Rotating Machines.
➢ Surface Treatments of Sealing Interfaces.
➢ Online/Offline Washing.
➢ Troubleshooting through Vibration Analysis.
➢ Oil Analysis and Thermography.
هل الدورة اونلاين ؟
نعم ، الدبلومة اونلاين عبر zoom meeting من خلال الشرح الاونلاين التفاعلي وايضا تحصل علي التسجيلات ويمكنك الاحتفاظ بها .
هل يمكنني الحصول علي مديول واحد فقط ؟
نعم ، يمكنك الحصول علي مديول واحد فقط لأن الدبلومة مقسمة الي ثلاثة مديول كل مديول بمثابة كورس منفصل بشهادة منفصلة .
هل احصل علي شهادة بعد اتمام دراسة الدبلومة ؟
نعم ، يمكنك الحصول علي شهادة لكل مديول ، الشهادة معتمدة من الاكاديمية وموثقة علي موقع الاكاديمية .
هل هذا الكورس مؤهل لشهادة دولية ؟
الدبلومة يتم فيها تناول الجانب المعرفي والعملي كما هو مذكور في محتوي الدبلومة ، ايضا الدبلومة تساعدك علي فهم الاكواد العاليمة (API) المؤهلة لأمتحان API SIER الدولي.
هل يمكنني الحصول علي الماتريل وتسجيلات المحاضرات ؟
نعم ، يمكنك الحصول علي تسجيلات المحاضرات واحدث نسخة من الاكواد المستخدمة وكذلك المادة العلمية.
هل الدورة مناسبة لحديثي التخرج ايضا ؟
نعم ، الدبلومة مناسبة جدا لحديث التخرج وايضا الرغبين في الدخول الي هذا المجال ، لانها تبدأ معاك من الصفر وحتي الاحتراف ، وذلك لانك ينقل لك خلاصة الخبرة العلمية والعملية من خلال المدرب والمادة العلمية .